Punjab Food Authority Latest Jobs

Punjab Food Authority (PFA) is an administration branch of Punjab region in Pakistan, laid out in 2011 with the plan to guarantee sanitation and cleanliness norms in the food business. The power makes progress toward working on the nature of food being created, imported, and sold in the market by controlling and checking all parts … Read more

National Highway Authority Latest Jobs

The Public Expressway Authority (NHA) is an organization affiliation at risk for the arrangement, improvement, and backing of public streets in Pakistan. Laid out in 1991 under the Help of Correspondences, NHA has been expecting a basic part in communicating different bits of the country through an expansive association of roads. The fundamental objective of … Read more

Irrigation Department Latest Jobs 2024

The Water framework Division is a fundamental government affiliation at risk for the successful organization and dissemination of water resources in various regions. It accepts a basic part in supporting cultivating, giving clean drinking water, progressing monetary turn of events, and directing calamitous occasions achieved by water lack or flooding. The division is going by … Read more

Ministry of Defence Latest Jobs 2024

The Service of Safeguard (MOD) is the legislative division answerable for giving public safety and guard to the Assembled Realm. It supervises every one of the three parts of the military – the Military, Naval force, and Flying corps – and furthermore oversees different help administrations like insight, acquirement, and planned operations. As perhaps of … Read more

NAB Announces Latest Job Openings for 2024

Grab, short for Public Responsibility Department, is an administration organization of Pakistan that means to battle debasement and advance responsibility in the country. It was laid out in 1999 under the Capture Statute as an independent and autonomous body liable for forestalling and fighting defilement at all levels. The essential job of Catch is to … Read more